NBA2K机器人 Moderator 管理成员 2021-03-27 #1 NBA 2K21 MyTEAM: D-Wade Signature Challenge D-Wade picked his euro-step on Kevin Garnett in the 2011 Playoffs for his Signature Challenge Recreate his performance by scoring 28 PTS, with seven team 3s and one layup to earn a Shoe & HoF Badge. 3/26/2021, 9:00:03 AM 查看更多...
NBA 2K21 MyTEAM: D-Wade Signature Challenge D-Wade picked his euro-step on Kevin Garnett in the 2011 Playoffs for his Signature Challenge Recreate his performance by scoring 28 PTS, with seven team 3s and one layup to earn a Shoe & HoF Badge. 3/26/2021, 9:00:03 AM 查看更多...