最新资讯 B/R's 2017 NBA Re-Draft: Who's Going 1st If League Started from Scratch?

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  1. Are you sick of watching the Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers end up in the NBA Finals every year? Do you crave parity and despise familiarity?

    Then this is the re-draft for you!

    Bleacher Report has rallied 30 writers, editors and fanatics to participate in the ultimate NBA fantasy draft. This is their chance to stake claims as the best general managers known to man.

    How wild did it get? Imagine a world where Joel Embiid is stripped from his current burgeoning squad to start a new Process with the worst team in the league. Think about LeBron James taking his talents to a Kingdom we once thought he'd join back in the day.

    Picture Lonzo Ball...exactly where you think he'd land—but much earlier than you might expect.

    Creating a new league isn't easy and doesn't come without controversy. If you've ever done a 2K fantasy draft, you know what we went through...and you'll want to tune back in every day until Friday when we reveal our full 2K simulation results.

    For now, we have Round 1 to get you started. Think we blew it? Know we nailed it?

    Holler at us in the comments.

How It Works

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    Max Becherer/Associated Press
    Before we dive into the results and analysis, it's important we lay down a few ground rules.
    • The draft order was determined in the most sophisticated manner known to humankind: online randomized number generation
    • All GMs are drafting with the 2017-18 season in mind. We're not building a dynasty. We're assembling squads for next season—and next season only
    • Every NBA player and free agent is eligible for this draft (with one notable exception explained momentarily)
    • All current injuries are healed; however, injury history and injury-proneness are relevant, knowing they impact current skill sets/ability to stay on the court
    (The aforementioned exception comes into play here, as Chris Bosh has been excluded from the process with a potentially career-ending health condition.)
    • GMs were responsible for making their picks in an allotted five-minute time period. They snooze? They lose. After that five minutes, auto-draft selected the player with the top estimated wins added, according to ESPN.com.
    Got it? Let's do this.

1. LeBron James, New York Knicks

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    2. Kawhi Leonard, Indiana Pacers

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    3. Kevin Durant, LA Clippers

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    4. Russell Westbrook, Oklahoma City Thunde

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    5. Anthony Davis, Atlanta Hawks

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    6. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Sacramento Kings

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    7. 7.Stephen Curry, Golden State Warriors

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8. James Harden, Dallas Mavericks

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    9. Chris Paul, Cleveland Cavaliers

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    10. 10.Isaiah Thomas, Phoenix Suns

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11. Nikola Jokic, Chicago Bulls

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12. Karl-Anthony Towns, Washington Wizards

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13. Rudy Gobert, Utah Jazz

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    14. Jimmy Butler, San Antonio Spurs

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    15. Carmelo Anthony, Denver Nuggets

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    16. Joel Embiid, Brooklyn Nets

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    17. Paul George, Detroit Pistons

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    18. Damian Lillard, Houston Rockets

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    19. John Wall, Boston Celtics

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    20. DeMarcus Cousins, Philadelphia 76ers

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    21. Draymond Green, Milwaukee Bucks

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22. Lonzo Ball, Los Angeles Lakers

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23. Kyrie Irving, Portland Trail Blazers

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24. Kristaps Porzingis, Minnesota Timberwolves

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25. Klay Thompson, Memphis Grizzlies

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26. Mike Conley, Miami Heat

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27. DeMar DeRozan, Charlotte Hornets

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28. Kyle Lowry, New Orleans Pelicans

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29. Gordon Hayward, Orlando Magic

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    30. Devin Booker, Toronto Raptors

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BLEACHER REPORT NBA2K17 梦幻选秀:如果联盟以梦幻选秀的方式呈现,都有谁会在首轮被选中

你是否对每年 NBA 总决赛都以骑勇两队决战而感到厌倦,你是否想要摆脱这种熟悉的状况,追求一个相对更公平的联盟。

那么,NBA 梦幻选秀就是为你而生的。

Bleacher Report 邀请了 30 位作家,编辑和 NBA 的狂热球迷来参加 NBA 梦幻选秀。这可以让他们在虚拟世界里竞争 NBA 最佳球队经理。

这是一个多么疯狂的想法,大家可以幻想这个虚拟世界,当乔尔 恩比德离开他现在效力的球队,在联盟最烂的球队开始全新的职业生涯。勒布朗 詹姆斯会将他的天赋带到我们曾经认为有一天他会效力的一只新球队。

想象郎佐 鲍尔,他会在哪个顺位加入 NBA。你的想象甚至可能会比你的期望早。

创造一个新联盟可没有嘴上说说这么简单,也会遇到很多争议。如果你已经亲身体验过 NBA2k17 的梦幻选秀。你会知道我们经历了什么鬼。你会每天都打开这个网页,看我们最新的模拟结果,直到我们在这周五把所以模拟结果都公之于众。





l 选秀顺序由对人类来说最复杂的方式 - 网络随机抽取的数值所决定

l 梦幻选秀是在 2017-2018 赛季进行,我们不是在玩王朝模式。我们只是对下个赛季的球队阵容进行模拟。

l 所有 NBA 现役球员和自由球员都可以参加梦幻选秀。

l 不存在伤病,甚至连曾经的受伤历史和受伤倾向都没有,这些会影响他们的能力。从而影响在球队中的位置。

l 所有的经理都需要在 5 分钟之内进行选秀,如果他们打盹了,他们就错过了。之后会自动为他们选择在估算中能力最强的球员


第一顺位,勒布朗 詹姆斯,纽约尼克斯队
第二顺位,卡哇伊 莱昂纳德,印第安纳步行者队
第三顺位,凯文 杜兰特,洛杉矶快船队
第四顺位,拉塞尔 威斯布鲁克,俄克拉荷马雷霆队
第五顺位,安东尼 戴维斯,亚特兰大老鹰队
库里 金州勇士队
第八顺位,詹姆斯 哈登,达拉斯小牛队
第九顺位,克里斯 保罗,克里夫兰骑士队
第十顺位,伊赛亚 托马斯,菲尼克斯太阳队
第十二顺位,卡尔 安东尼 唐斯,华盛顿奇才队
第十三顺位,鲁迪 戈伯特,犹他爵士队
第十四顺位,吉米 巴特勒 圣安东尼奥马刺队
第十五顺位,卡梅隆 安东尼,丹佛掘金队
恩比德 布鲁克林篮网队
第十八顺位,达米安 利拉德,休斯顿火箭队
第十九顺位,约翰 沃尔,波士顿凯尔特人队
第二十顺位,德马库斯 考辛斯,费城 76 人队
第二十顺位,德马库斯 考辛斯,费城 76 人队
第二十一顺位,德拉蒙德 格林,密尔沃基雄鹿队
第二十二顺位,郎佐 鲍尔,洛杉矶湖人队
第二十三顺位,凯里 欧文,波特兰开拓者队
第二十五顺位,克莱 汤普森,孟菲斯灰熊队
第二十六顺位,马克 康利,迈阿密热火队
第二十七顺位,德玛尔 德罗赞,夏洛特黄蜂队
第二十八顺位,凯尔 洛瑞,新奥尔良鹈鹕队
第二十九顺位,戈登 海沃德 奥兰多魔术队
第三十顺位,德文 布克,多伦多猛龙队
