PS5 & Xbox Series players, you can now use Custom Uniforms in whichever slot you'd like when creating your lineup. We hope to have this fixed for all other MyTEAM players soon, but for now, please keep Custom Uniforms within the same guidelines.
NBA 2K22 MyTEAM: MyTEAM Community To prevent invisible players, we've restricted custom uniform usage. Please follow these guidelines:
1️⃣ Primary Uniform Card: Home Slot
2️⃣ Secondary Uniform Card: Away or Alternate Slot
A future update will address this issue, thank you for your patience.
Link: 点击查看视频: https://twitter.com/NBA2K_MyTEAM/status/1437038284656594947
9/12/2021, 1:00:00 PM
9/17/2021, 8:00:01 PM